27 research outputs found

    Developing a Multiplayer Online Learning Environment to Web Support with AJAX3D and Virtual Reality

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    This paper presents Ludos Top - an educational 3D game that use virtual reality techniques, which can support multi-student with anew design model of networking on the web. The project has actively involved end-users to focus on increase interactivity through the use of versatile system architecture.We present a quick prototyping of a multi-user virtual world through the employment of Ajax, X3D and Web Services provides an efficient, flexible and robust means for distributed application. Results showimproved network capabilities, in terms of interactive, ease of use, enjoyability, playability and usability

    An incremental constraint-based approach to support engineering design.

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    Constraint-based systems are increasingly being used to support the design of products. Several commercial design systems based on constraints allow the geometry of a product to be specified and modified in a more natural and efficient way. However, it is now widely recognised the needs to have a close coupling of geometric constraints (i.e. parallel, tangent, etc) and engineering constraints (Le. performance, costs, weight, etc) to effectively support the preliminary design stages. This is an active research topic which is the subject of this thesis. As the design evolves, the size of the quation set which captures the constraints can get very large depending on the complexity of the product being designed. These constraints are expected to be solved efficiently to guarantee immediate feedback to the designer. Such requirement is also necessary to support constraint-based design within Virtual Environments, where it is necessary to have interactive speed. However, the majority of constraint-based design systems re-satisfy all constraints from scratch after the insertion of a new design constraint. This process is time consuming and therefore hinders interactive design performance when dealing with large constraint sets. This thesis reports research into the investigation of techniques to support interactive constraint-based design. The main focus of this work is on the development of incremental graph-based algorithms for satisfying a coupled set of engineering and geometric constraints. In this research, the design constraints, represented as simultaneous sets of linear and non-linear equations, are stored in a directed graph called Equation Graph. When a new constraint is imposed, local constraint propagation techniques are used to satisfy the constraint and update the current graph solution, incrementally. Constraint cycles are locally identified and satisfied within the Equation Graph. Therefore, these algorithms efiiciently solve large constraint sets to support interactive design. Techniques to support under-constrained geometry are also considered in this research. The concept of soft constraints is introduced to represent the degrees of freedom of the geometric entities. This is used to allow the incremental satisfaction of newly imposed constraints by exploiting under-constrained space. These soft constraints are also used to support direct manipulation of under-constrained geometric entities, enabling the designers to test the kinematic behaviour of the current assembly. A prototype constraint-based design system has been developed to demonstrate the feasibility of these algorithms to support preliminary desig

    Ambientes distribuídos em Realidade Virtual como suporte à Aprendizagem Cooperativa para a Resolução de Problemas

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    Um grande número de pesquisadores acredita que a resolução de problemas é inerente a grande parte dos processos de ensino e aprendizagem. Considera-se ainda, que esta metodologia apresenta uma maior eficácia quando aplicada cooperativamente.Neste contexto, este artigo apresenta uma proposta multidisciplinar que viabiliza o uso da Realidade Virtual distribuída para oferecer suporte à resolução de problemas pormeio da aprendizagem cooperativa. Para tal, são considerados os fundamentos da aprendizagem por experimentação e teorias e princípios pedagógicos construtivistas

    Ambientes Educacionais Colaborativos com Realidade Aumentada

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    A aprendizagem colaborativa presencial e remota vem sendo usada cada vez mais como uma abordagem educacional eficiente. A evolução tecnológica permite, atualmente, replicar e, até mesmo, amplificar características da comunicação interpessoal, mas o problema da manipulação remota de objetos continua sendo difícil de ser resolvido. No entanto, a Realidade Virtual e Realidade Aumentada permitem a manipulação de objetos virtuais de maneira parecida com as situações reais. Assim, este trabalho discute essas questões e apresenta soluções para a interação em ambientes colaborativos presenciais e remotos, usando recursos para a comunicação interpessoal (chat, áudio e vídeo-conferência) e Realidade Aumentada

    Aplicação de Jogos Educacionais com Realidade Aumentada

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    O jogo é uma ótima ferramenta de aprendizagem, na medida em que propõe estímulo e interesse ao aluno. Porém, recursos de jogos são limitados devido à complexidade imposta por determinadas tarefas. Este artigo propõe uma série de jogos educacionais desenvolvidos em ambiente de Realidade Aumentada, possibilitando um maior realismo e interatividade, visando à melhoria do processo de aprendizagem do educando. É relatada uma experiência de aplicação de um destes jogos em sala de aula e seus resultados apontam para um cenário de aprendizado muito promissor

    Realidade Virtual e Ferramentas Cognitivas Usadas como Auxílio para o Ensino de Física

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    Este artigo descreve um sistema computacional elaborado para ser ferramenta de ensino de Física do Ensino Médio, com uso de técnicas de Realidade Virtual. Por meio de estratégias psico pedagógicas, fundamentadas no paradigma de Mapas Conceituais, o sistema simula um laboratório virtual que permite ao estudante construir seu conhecimento através da criação e análise de experimentos físicos

    2D–3D Spatial Registration for Remote Inspection of Power Substations

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    Remote inspection is critical for smart factories, power systems and undersea and space exploration, among other domains. However, these applications have conflicting requirements: operators should experience high situation-awareness, implying a considerable amount of data to be presented, while having a minimal sensory load, not to compromise the time to make decisions. Recent research suggests computer vision inspection and the adoption of virtual reality (VR) as an alternative to traditional SCADA interfaces. Nevertheless, although VR may provide a good representation of a substation’s state, it lacks some real-time information, available from online field cameras and microphones. This work discusses a method to augment virtual environments of power substations with field images, enabling operators to promptly see a virtual representation of the inspected area’s surroundings. In addition, the system interacts with a SCADA database, continuously comparing the equipment states against the ones inferred by processing the field images. Whenever a discrepancy is found, a virtual camera can be teleported to the affected region, speeding up system reestablishment. Our results concern the registration accuracy and performance impact for a simple scenario. The collected metrics suggest good registration levels and low impact on real-time rendering performance